The nature of the beast

A cat is a predator just like a lion or a tiger. The cat belongs to the small feline group. Cats can survive on their own. Still they prefer living in a colony with other cats, just like lions and tigers in the wild. If you want a happy cat ,bring his brother or sister home with you as well. The best combinations are two brothers or two sisters. This way your cat will always have a companion. If you have only one cat keep in mind that most cats prefer having a friend. If you decide to add a companion later on, do not put two males together. Always make sure the cats are neutered.

It is common for cats to sleep a lot. They sleep more than they are awake, almost two thirds of their life. Cats are not lazy! Being a predator is hard work of course.

Sharp senses
Cats are hunters. They have very good eyes, ears and can smell extremely well. Because these senses are so good, they can hunt day or night. Are you curious as to how good the senses of a cat are? Play the Senses Game!

Hunting behavior
Hunting is in a cat's nature. Have you ever seen a cat hunt birds, fish or mice? This happens a lot. Of course it is unpleasant for you if your cat brings home a dead animal, but you can't do anything about this. Hunting is in a cat’s nature and you cannot train it not to do it even if you hang a bell around its neck. The sound of the bell is irritating, not only for you, but for your cat as well. Especially all day long…

Indoor cats also want to hunt. You can play with your cat often and it will not miss hunting. Play with your cat a number of times a day for short periods. This is better than once a day for a long time. It will keep your cat fit and happy.

Cats mark the territory in their area. This is how a cat says, "I live here. This is my couch or my toy". The way they mark their territory is by spraying a spot with pee, dropping a turd, scratching or rubbing their mouth against an object. This is how cats 'talk' to each other.

Creatures of habit
Cats are creatures of habit. They usually have a daily routine. They eat and drink at approximately the same time and want to play during a set time of day. You can call it a good internal clock. Cats hate changes in their surroundings or their fixed daily schedule. They will become nervous or stressed. Cats can even become ill from stress which will cause them to do their business outside of the litter box.

Its own corner
A cat wants to be alone sometimes. It is important that it can retreat to its own little corner: a spot where no other cats, pets or humans will disturb it. This is why it is important for a cat to have several places in the house where it can be alone and will not be disturbed. High places are the best, for example a bed or a box on top of a closet. Somewhere no one else can reach.